Jul 24Liked by eric todd

Best one yet.

I’m going to keep being that unasked-for-advice asshole and tell you to start writing a book that’s Bronson biography and film reviews, but done in relation to when you personally saw the or a time you rewatched them that hit you differently.

Like this piece, basically!

Stay strong. You WILL make it through this.

Bu©️hinsky Brand

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Jul 24Liked by eric todd

Keeping good thoughts for you, and all job-seekers, Eric. Just thinking to mention, "Get Hired!: Winning Strategies to Ace the Interview" by Dr. Paul Green is the best book, out of hundreds, I've ever read on the subject. That final scene with Kersey really resonates with me for this reason. Those punks are sociopaths, and they don't feel fear or empathy the way normal people do. Kersey has 'flipped a switch' and his creepy smirk is not something a normal person would ever feel or express. Kersey is no longer bound by norms, and while the punks may think that "it's over, we win!" and they got away with it, Kersey's creepy smirk tells them (and the viewer) that this is NOT over.

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Fell asleep on the VHS last night. Will be rejoining Kersey this evening.

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